My name is Thorsten Kreissig, mostly known and abbreviated as TeeKay. For many years I have been providing help, guidance and expertise for companies and individuals. I train and improve the communicative and creative abilities of scientists, business people, teachers and students in all levels of the education system as well as artists in many countries abroad. I also support team building and change management processes with a wide range of methods.
Depending on their specific goals I assist my clients as a coach, enabler, innovator, creativity trainer, intercultural consultant, neuro-catalyst, think-tanker or sometimes merely as an efficient networker who manages to bring the right people together at the right time.
A varied and successful artistic career and a degree in psychology at the Technical University in Berlin are the sound base of my work. I enjoy to grow with the challenges of my clients and familiarize myself with new contexts. Since 2009, I am a member of Mensa, the largest international association for the highly gifted.
I always work in a close, highly flexible and solution-oriented dialogue with my clients. To ensure your success I combine techniques and methods from many different disciplines in order to achieve the best possible result at the given time. These include pragmatic hands-on workshop with many exercises, an interdisciplinary view to think outside the boxes and a mastery of the meta level for systemic solutions.
(Almost) everything is possible and I will do my best to adapt my ressources to your personal needs – whether you are an individual, a family, a team or even a large company.
Among my best known clients in Germany are the IPK Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin, the Leuphana University in Lüneburg and Common Purpose Germany. Internationally, the Lift Innovations Conference in Geneva, the Ministry of Education in Navarra, Spain and the Technical University in Chennai, India, prove my wide range of activities.
Please find further biographical details about me and information on specific techniques on the subpages of this site. Feel free to contact me at if you have any suggestions, how to further improve this website and increase its usability.
Have a fantastic day !