Companies and businesses are complex structures often comparable to orchestras or living organism. If all processes are coordinated well they will create a beautiful and captivating music and will thrive and devlop to new horizons.
But in times of change – whether desired and well prepared from within or suddenly forced upon you from the outside – they will temporarily turn into fragile systems.
Resilience and innovation
Globalization and digitization affect all business areas – from industry and service providers to public institutions. I train and promote the ability to innovate. I foster the resilience of companies and provide them with topics of intercultural competence.
So diversity and globalization are not just buzzwords in CEO speeches but truly represent the core values of an enterprise.
Leadership and Change Management
Futur focused executives make sure on time to boost the resilience of their companies or departments. They offer their employees with regular and sustainable training opportunity on change management and change culture.
In the best case they seek advice and learning opportunities in the context of a management coaching. Since the year 2000 I have been coaching innovative decision makers, specialists and executives in companies and associations from various sectors of the economy. I helped them and their employees to successfully develop and implement the specific goals of their companies.
Communication – Communication – Communication
As Paul Watzlawick – one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century – put it in a nutshell: “One can not not communicate”.
Good executives are characterized by a high level of communication skills. Those who can communicate comprehensibly and also take into account the emotional aspects of all communication processes can have a lasting influence on motivation and cooperation.
and employee leadership up to conflict management – as a communications professional, I manage to expand competencies, set important impulses and communicate techniques sustainably.
So it is also possible in the medium term, the existing communication culture
to sustainably improve within a company.
Coaching for executives
As part of my “Integral Leadership” seminars, I teach self-management and self-organization techniques specifically for executives. Only those who can delegate well can also make sense. Workshops and seminars on employee development and talent development complete the offer.
Because with motivation and less stress, all parties do their jobs better and easier and thus reach their own goals faster as well as those of the team and the company.
(We are constantly updating and translating this website.
Complete information is available on the German version.
This specific sub-page was last updated on July 27th 2018.
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